Open Letter to State Rep. Henri Brooks
Dear Ms. Brooks,
It is with GREAT distress that I read of your opposition to gay rights. I am hoping that I have been misinformed when I read that: "Recently representatives of Tennessee Equality Project and Initiative:Fairness met with representatives in Nashville to discuss gay/lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. I was disturbed to hear that one of our 'Democratic' representatives, Henri Brooks (Rep. Dist 92) voiced her opposition to gay rights and said that her constituents were black churches and that the glbt community was not 'predominant enough' for her to support glbt-friendly legislation."
Ms. Brooks, need I remind you that you represent my neighborhood, the Cooper-Young neighborhood, which has the most dense population of gays in the city? In 4 blocks of my street I can count over 12 gay households. The Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center is in Cooper-Young. This neighborhood prides itself on its diversity. Cooper-Young's incredible improvements in recent years can be directly tied to that diversity. For our representative to not ACTIVELY support such diversity would make you a poor representative of our neighborhood.
I would hope that as a representative you would not just "represent" but also take a leadership position to advance the benefits of diversity and equal rights for ALL people as the late Mrs. King did so well. If confronted, you might also give a gentle reminder to those black churches that it wasn't that long ago that white churches were using the very same biblical arguments to oppose the rights of African-Americans. What a shame that they would turn around and use the same weapons to oppress others. Particularly when the Word of Jesus Christ is meant to be one of love and acceptance of ALL people. If people want to use the Bible as a weapon to oppress others through government, let them join the Republicans who do that so well.
Surely you're aware of the fact that Harold Ford, Jr.'s national campaign fundraising has been damaged by his vote for Bush's anti-gay Federal Marriage Amendment.
I hope that you can quickly correct this disturbing report. I sincerely want a progressive Democrat representing me in our legislature and I am prepared to work hard to have one. I hope that it can be you. If not, rest assured I will find a more progressive and fair-minded candidate to actively campaign for.
Can Henri Brooks read and write? Oh, I mean, can she comprehend (ideas and logic)?
From what I've seen in the Memphis media, she acts out like a prejudiced little child!!
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